All data below is provided by TalkingData.

Top20 Android Apps

While Minecraft(Mojang AB) was dropping its ranking (1 down every month), Anipop (HappyElements) went up from #4 to #1 and stayed in its spot for two months.

Top20 Android Publishers

Top 3 spots were taken by Tencent, IDreamSky and Netease (and no change in this order).

Top10 App Stores

Since this May, when Myapp (Tencent) finally beat 360 mobile Assistance and took #1 spot for the first time, Tencent seems doing well also in app store business. The margin is still slim as 2-3% but surprisingly growing and has expanded by almost 10 times (Only 0.3% margin back in May).

TalkingData is the largest 3rd party mobile data service provider that have been widely recognized and adopted by the whole mobile ecosystem in China. More than 80,000 apps that access over 1.2 billion unique mobile devices in China rely on this mobile analytics platform to track and analyze mobile users’ behaviors. The data collected from these products and also exchanged from the mobile distribution ecosystem enables TalkingData to build the largest behavioral data panel of the mobile population in China. Based on this, they are able to provide the most accurate estimations for the installation, activity and usage of any app in China, especially in the complex Android marketplace.