All data below is provided by TalkingData.
Top20 Android App Stores

Top 4 position for app store is no change in Chinese android market. But the total market share for top4 is decreased from 76.7% to 72.3% in Q4 2015. Although the overall situation is not change, we still can find the tiny change in the numerous other stores and that will be more fierce competition and more complicated in 2016 if Google Play China version step into the market.
Top20 Android Games

Besides the new game "League Of Kings" released by Tencent and boost in ranking 1 for Nov and Dec. The others in top20 games have just a tiny change. Tencent still be the absolute leadership and maintain about 40%-50% market share. The most popular game is still light game in Android (mainly Casual and some Cards game) .
Top20 Android Game Publisher

Top 3 spots were taken by Tencent, IDreamSky and Netease. The Tencent game numbers is nearly 9 times the 2nd or 3rd spots publisher.
In the past Y2015, Tencent issued more than 38 new games and the total mobile games income is nearly 19B RMB, it is about 36% of total 51.46B RMB market sizes for China mobile game in Y2015.
For the coming Y2016, Tencent will focus far more than light game, such as ACT and MOBA.
TalkingData is the largest 3rd party mobile data service provider that have been widely recognized and adopted by the whole mobile ecosystem in China. More than 80,000 apps that access over 1.2 billion unique mobile devices in China rely on this mobile analytics platform to track and analyze mobile users’ behaviors. The data collected from these products and also exchanged from the mobile distribution ecosystem enables TalkingData to build the largest behavioral data panel of the mobile population in China. Based on this, they are able to provide the most accurate estimations for the installation, activity and usage of any app in China, especially in the complex Android marketplace.
Top20 Android App Stores

Top 4 position for app store is no change in Chinese android market. But the total market share for top4 is decreased from 76.7% to 72.3% in Q4 2015. Although the overall situation is not change, we still can find the tiny change in the numerous other stores and that will be more fierce competition and more complicated in 2016 if Google Play China version step into the market.
Top20 Android Games

Besides the new game "League Of Kings" released by Tencent and boost in ranking 1 for Nov and Dec. The others in top20 games have just a tiny change. Tencent still be the absolute leadership and maintain about 40%-50% market share. The most popular game is still light game in Android (mainly Casual and some Cards game) .
Top20 Android Game Publisher

Top 3 spots were taken by Tencent, IDreamSky and Netease. The Tencent game numbers is nearly 9 times the 2nd or 3rd spots publisher.
In the past Y2015, Tencent issued more than 38 new games and the total mobile games income is nearly 19B RMB, it is about 36% of total 51.46B RMB market sizes for China mobile game in Y2015.
For the coming Y2016, Tencent will focus far more than light game, such as ACT and MOBA.
TalkingData is the largest 3rd party mobile data service provider that have been widely recognized and adopted by the whole mobile ecosystem in China. More than 80,000 apps that access over 1.2 billion unique mobile devices in China rely on this mobile analytics platform to track and analyze mobile users’ behaviors. The data collected from these products and also exchanged from the mobile distribution ecosystem enables TalkingData to build the largest behavioral data panel of the mobile population in China. Based on this, they are able to provide the most accurate estimations for the installation, activity and usage of any app in China, especially in the complex Android marketplace.